Make a Difference Today
In 2020-2021 the world was crazy and chaotic.
Things that were expected became forgotten, lives were lost and for many their lives will never be the same.
Today more than ever we need hope and compassion.
We need to work together to provide solutions to the problems of our current time.
We believe in taking action. Taking action now.
Action can make a difference and that collective action can greatly impact the world.
What are you doing to Make a Difference ?
Our single goal;
to do our part in making the world a better place for all.
Delivering global good through care and kindness.


Martin Tindall, Founder of Phoenix Life created a future for the people of Vanuatu, a future where lack of healthcare infrastructure and where diabetes often results in amputation, blindness and death.
In 2020, Martin and the Tindall Family agreed to donate all the intellectual property, contracts and business operations to a non-profit organization to ensure that the legacy created may continue for generations.
We remain are dedicated to addressing the lack of access to healthcare. In many least developed and developing countries access to basic healthcare impacts millions of people worldwide.
We believe that through partnerships and community empowerment we can continue to help facilitate progress in this area.

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane”
Martin Luther King JR